Arvol Token - 1 ARV - 1 ton of carbon captured
CATEGORY: Carbon Credits Stock
MARKET TYPE: Voluntary
NEED: Compensation. Net Zero
MEASURE KIND: 1 ERC20 equals 1 carbon ton captured in trees
PRICE: 1 ERC20 = U$D 15 = 1 carbon ton
LOCATION: (gps coordinates) in Gral. Roca, Río Negro Province, Patagonia Argentina
DESCRIPTION: We measure the carbon captured in the regenerated soil & in the growing biomass. Then we monetize this positive externalities throughout carbon credit markets. Each ARV is a fungible token representing 1 ton of captured carbon. 1 token = 1 Carbon ton. The current stock of captured CO2 comes from a live forest in expansion that we are protecting since 2015. The forest surface is 5.500 hectares with species as Prosopis Alba (algarrobo blanco), Tamarix Aphylla (tamarisco), Aextoxicon Punctatum (olivillo), Aguaribay (pimienta rosa), Maytenus Boaria (maiten), Aristotelia Chilensis (maqui), Parkinsonia Praecox (chañar brea), Olea Europaea (olive tree), Populus Nigra (alamo criollo), Corylus Avellana (avellano), Sauce, Alamo Blanc de Garonne, Alamo Conti 12, Alamo Guardi, Alamo Euroamericano Ragonese 22 INTA, Sauce Tehuelche Inta, Sauce Los Arroyos Inta, Sauce Nativo, Casuarina, Cunninghamiana, Manzanos, Ciruelos, Almendros, Nogales.
FOREST LIFE & CONTINGENCY STRATEGY: Irrigation system in land is conformed by the water source (Río Negro: one of the largest volume in the country), the sun power pump, the pipes and the draining (dropping and landing). During summer season, we duplicate the water volume in order to address the increasing temperatures due to climate change we want to fight. The forest is ensured preventing disease and fire. By every 10 tons of captured CO2 equivalent, we save other 3.5 tons as preventive stock.